Customer Testimonials

A selection of testimonials provided by some of the Wheatsheaf Inn customers.

Second time of visiting 2 Sundays in a row. Food and service is fantastic. 10/10 highly recommended to friends and family!

Scott Thompson

January 2024

Our 2nd stay in 4 months, rooms are fantastic and breakfast is one of the best I’ve ever had in a hotel or b&b in the UK or abroad, produce used is top notch. Staff are excellent and accommodating. 5* place to stay

Kevin Rowley

December 2023

The room was comfortable, and was good value.

Mary Robertson

December 2023

This was NSVC's first experience of holding an event at the Wheatsheaf and we were extremely impressed! The food and the service were excellent and there was a lovely party atmosphere as there was an Elvis Tribute on in the main bar. We will certainly be back for another event. Congratulations to all the team for making our experience so special.

Sharon Sturland

December 2023

Always very friendly and attentive

Amy Danahay

December 2023

Compliments to the chef on the evening of 8th Dec and the breakfast on the 9th Dec. The girls were lovely too.

Michelle Edwards

December 2023